The 10 Scariest Video Games of All Time

Though horror video games are rarely treated to the same all-night marathons, fan meet-and-greets, and ubiquitous merchandising that horror films benefit from, they aren’t any less impactful. Actually, the immersion of gaming forces players to engage with their perversity as active participants — with their hands on the controller, keyboard, or loose in VR space. Horror games have a knack for getting under people’s skin in many ways that movies can’t, lingering in players’ minds like the scenes of a car crash. It’s this intimate staying power that makes gaming a crucial part of the genre landscape.

From an evolutionary perspective, it makes sense that people like to scare themselves on purpose. On top of an adrenaline high, watching films like Carrie (1976), locked into the image of Sissy Spacek showering in blood on the prom night stage, prepares viewers for the cruelty of their capricious reality. Conversely, frightening themselves may make horror fans feel like they can handle acute danger — undead abominations, arrogant exes, deceitful serial killers — without actually putting themselves in any real peril. At least, that’s what scientists say

Consider instead that horror may be more about looking inward. Sometimes, that’s literal, with games that pile gore and intestines up like loose sheets of toilet paper. Without an x-ray, how else could players become intimate with the curves of their organs? There’s a morbid thrill in this sort of self-discovery. In a horror game context, it lets players interact with death while being immune to it.

Horror is honest in that way, trusting fans to recognize the darkness rather than coddling them with “the assurance of being ourselves, that is, untouchable, unchangeable, immortal,” as Bulgarian-French philosopher Julia Kristeva writes about phobias in her 1980 essay book Powers of Horror. Scary games are also, you know, just kind of fun. 

But while terrorizing players might be inherently easier in video games given the level of immersion and consequences, some games manage to elevate the artform to be on par with the cinematic greats. And while you’d think the most realistic games might be the ones to induce the most anxiety, developers have found all kinds of ways to contort the medium into nightmare fuel, regardless of the pixel count.

So, from surrealist indie throwbacks to descents into multiplayer madness, these are the ten scariest games of all time.



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